Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ask Jim and Nate....

what happens when you leave a WET soccer jersey, wadded up in the backseat of Jim's truck for 5 days! Can you see me rolling my eyes?

When Jim and Nate came home on Saturday, we were in a rush to head out the door. I should have taken more thought as to what happened to Nate's jersey but my mind was on getting lunch, getting things ready to go & getting everyone out the door.

In the haste, Nate's jersey was left in Jim's truck. I received a reminder yesterday about Nate's soccer pictures & realized that I had not washed his jersey since the game. I asked Nate to find the jersey & he said that he left it in Jim's truck. This morning Jim brought it in & set it on the kitchen was still wadded up in a ball. I picked it up & headed back to toss it in the laundry to wash for pictures.....well, to my surprise, disgust, horror....when I opened the shirt up, the front had changed from the original gold color to a moldy black color! I did not think I would ever get rid of all the mold without ruining the shirt. After an all day battle with soaking, washing, spraying and a handfull of cleaning & detergents, I think I have won the battle & Nate may actually still have a soccer jersey!

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