Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Josh had his party at school today....things are quickly coming to an end. Only a few days left!

Jim started a new exercise routine today...he is riding his bike to work. Apparently this made a huge impact on Zach because he told everyone at Isbisiter today (at pick up for Josh) that his daddy rode his bike to work & didn't take his truck! Jim impressed a bunch of people!

We made a baby step in progress with Zach & potty training...he actually pooped in the potty. I sat him on the potty while he watched a movie & be pooped. Unfortunately, it was followed shortly by more poop in his pull-up. I am a bit frustrated with the whole potty training...he just does not care & is not interested. Jim said to look at the positive & that Zach did poop in the potty. It is true but it is also easier for him because he is not here all day working with Zach.

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