Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day!
Friday, September 26, 2008
My tooth is loose!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
'Cause so
Another Zach phrase that many people do not get is "last morning". Anytime Zach is talking about the past, whether is be earlier in the day, yesterday or last week, he will always say "last morning". So, "last morning he went to McDonald's for lunch" or "last morning he played football with Nate". Not sure where this phrase came from either....maybe I will figure it out one day too!
Zach also uses "remember this". Sometimes he will use it in the correct that he will say remember this & repeat a line from a cartoon or movie but sometimes he says "remember this" and comes up with something off the wall that it not something I remember from anything.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ask Jim and Nate....
When Jim and Nate came home on Saturday, we were in a rush to head out the door. I should have taken more thought as to what happened to Nate's jersey but my mind was on getting lunch, getting things ready to go & getting everyone out the door.
In the haste, Nate's jersey was left in Jim's truck. I received a reminder yesterday about Nate's soccer pictures & realized that I had not washed his jersey since the game. I asked Nate to find the jersey & he said that he left it in Jim's truck. This morning Jim brought it in & set it on the kitchen was still wadded up in a ball. I picked it up & headed back to toss it in the laundry to wash for pictures.....well, to my surprise, disgust, horror....when I opened the shirt up, the front had changed from the original gold color to a moldy black color! I did not think I would ever get rid of all the mold without ruining the shirt. After an all day battle with soaking, washing, spraying and a handfull of cleaning & detergents, I think I have won the battle & Nate may actually still have a soccer jersey!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Nate has a small filling in one of his baby teeth & it is cracked, so we have to go back in about a week for a new filling.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It's raining, it's pouring....
Jim and I took turns today standing in the rain watching the boys play soccer. I went first to Josh's game. It started with just a sprinkle but by the end of the game it was pouring! Luckily the temps were warm & it was not too horrible. Right after Josh's game, I jumped in the car to meet Jim at Nate's game so we could transfer the younger boys. It poured the entire time for Nate's game!
Luckily the temps were warm, so no one was freezing but boy were they WET!
NOTE: take a look on 9/17 for a follow-up to our wet soccer day!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
18 month check-up for Ethan
He weighed just over 26 pounds & was 33 inches tall/long. He compares to Zach at the same age, Nate was much taller & Josh shorter.
We are going to take him to see a dermatologist to see if there is anything else we can do for his is an ongoing battle that we seem to be losing!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
You will notice that there are no new first day of school clothes... they are boys...need I say more?? The boys did get new backpacks & lunch boxes for school.
Nate wore one of his Michigan shirts because he found out (from an email from his teacher) that his teacher is a state fan & he decided to show his blue and maize colors!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Summer is over!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Excitement over toothpaste???
Friday, August 15, 2008
New Star Wars movie!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I got a kick out of Nate last was our conversation at bedtime:
Nate: I am excited about soccer tomorrow and hope we win the Championship.
Me: Championship?
Nate: Yeah, the last game of the year is the championship game, so tomorrow is our championship game.
Me: thinking to I explain that it is not really a championship game, that there is no championship game or crowned champion in their league...instead, I ask: What is the most important part of the game? Winning?
Nate: No, it is having fun and doing my best, but winning the Championship would still be cool.
Me: Good night Nate! Get your rest for your game tomorrow...laughing to myself because he is sort of understanding that the goal is to play hard, do his best & have fun but that need to win is still there!
Before the games, Nate went to an end of the year pool party for a few hours with some other friends to celebrate being done with second grade.
I missed the beginning of Josh's game when he was in goal because I picked up Nate from the pool party but we came in time to see him in the field. I brought the video camera and took about 5 minutes of video so I didn't get many pictures. Unfortunately, 5 minutes was all the time the camera had. Jim had used up most of the video at Josh's Kindergarten celebration & I didn't know it! So I didn't have a video camera for Nate but instead got tons of pictures! There was not enough time to go home between the games but we did walk into downtown Plymouth & grab a quick bite to eat.
Both Nate and Josh did win their games & Nate got his medal (but everyone on every team gets a medal at the end of the season!
Here is a picture of Josh during his game & a slide show from Nate's game.
At the end of the day, Nate told me that he had a GREAT first day of summer. At bedtime we usually talk about our favorite parts of the day. Today he told me that he could not pick a favorite part because the whole day was his favorite!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ethan, Zach, Josh and I brought up popsicles as a treat for Nate's class.
Here are a few pictures of Nate after his last day!
To celebrate, we all went to Chili's for dinner & then went for a walk. We walked around the high school complex. The boys were excited about their finds. We came home with about 7 tennis balls, 3 baseballs & 2 softballs. Most of the baseballs and softballs were on a closed off field. Josh and Nate were small enough to fit in a gap between the dugout and the fence & head out onto the field to collect their treasures.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Here is a close up of him on his last day....
After school, Brett and Jake came over for a couple hours..they are 2 brothers in Nate's class. We all had pizza & popsicles! Well, everyone except Zach. Zach went to bed shortly after we came home...poor guy feels really bad. He has completely lost his voice. I did get a good laugh today because I said something about him being horse and he broke down in tears & said "me, not horse". I had to explain myself but he still had hurt feelings (remember my post a few days ago about his fragile feelings).
We finished the walk tonight. The final step was to put the sand in between the bricks & seal it up! That is all done. Jim started laying the sand last night. I went out after dinner & worked on it some. All of the bricks had to be hit repeatedly with a rubber mallet to make sure the sand was in & around the bricks. I have blisters on my hand from all the time I hit the bricks...sounds sad...but I was out there swinging that hammer for a long time tonight! The good news it is done. This weekend we can back fill around it & start the landscaping along the house. We also have to work on the parking area (which will be a larger gravel area).
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I want into school this morning with Nate to drop off his teacher's gift. I was in charge of the classroom gift. The parents decided to purchase a brick paver in Mrs. Pedersen's name. We also purchased an AmEx card for her to use on her trip this summer. Lastly, I put together a memory book...each of the kids had a page in the book. The pages included pictures of the kids & then they wrote something the liked about Mrs. Pedersen and/or being in her class. I think she was very touched, mainly by the book. It was also neat to see how excited the kids were to see the completed book & hear what everyone wrote. I am glad she enjoyed it. She has been a wonderful teacher & Nate has done really well in her class.
We have sickies again at our house. Ethan and Zach have yet another Spring/Summer cold. I am not sure where they are picking up this junk. Zach has a horrible cough & both have runny noses! Nate also woke up this morning complaining of a sore throat. Hopefully everyone else can remain healthy!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Jim started a new exercise routine today...he is riding his bike to work. Apparently this made a huge impact on Zach because he told everyone at Isbisiter today (at pick up for Josh) that his daddy rode his bike to work & didn't take his truck! Jim impressed a bunch of people!
We made a baby step in progress with Zach & potty training...he actually pooped in the potty. I sat him on the potty while he watched a movie & be pooped. Unfortunately, it was followed shortly by more poop in his pull-up. I am a bit frustrated with the whole potty training...he just does not care & is not interested. Jim said to look at the positive & that Zach did poop in the potty. It is true but it is also easier for him because he is not here all day working with Zach.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Last week of school!
Josh had his Kindergarten graduation today & Nate also had his end of the year party.
Jim will met us at Josh's class to watch their performance. They sang lots of songs & read some books. We had punch & cookies and also got to look through some books of Josh's work throughout the year. His made fantastic progress & learned so much & is ready for first grade!
Right after Josh's graduation, we went downtown Plymouth. Jim played in the park with Josh, Zach & Ethan while I ran into Play Cafe to say hi to Nate. Nate's class was very lucky because the parents of one of the kids in his class owns Play Cafe (it is an indoor HUGE play structure). The entire class was invited to play, and then they also got pizza & ice cream....can't beat that for an end of the year party! With Josh's graduation, I was not able to attend the entire event so I just stopped in to say hi. Nate & the entire class seemed to be having a great time. I could barely get Nate to stop for a picture!
After seeing Nate, I took Josh out to lunch for his graduation day & then we headed home. The little guys were exhausted & Ethan even fell asleep in the car on the way home!
Nate had his last soccer practice tonight. Jim took Nate while the rest of stayed home...just too hot to sit at the park! Jim said that Nate did great & has made real progress this season with his understanding and skills.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Zach's Feelings....
Saturday, June 7, 2008
About the only time we left was for Nate's soccer game. Only Jim and Nate went as it was just too hot for the rest of us to sit outside.
Captured a few fun pictures of the boys climbing & being boys!
Friday, June 6, 2008
When I picked up Nate, the camera was still in the car so I thought I would take a moment to document one of our daily activities. I am back and forth to school 3 times a day. In the morning I drop both boys off in front of the school & they walk in together. At 11:30 I pick up Josh, for Kindergarten pick up I am required to come inside to get Josh. Then after school, I pick up Nate. At the beginning of the school year, I walked inside and stood in the hall to get Nate also. Once cold weather & winter hit, one trip inside was Nate and I formulated a plan. He walks out the side doors of the school & meets us out at the much easier for me. So each day after school, we park & wait for Nate to come out. Each and every day, Zach & Ethan just light up & squeal with delight when they see Nate walk through the doors and head to the call...they love their big brother! With the camera in the car, I thought I would take some pictures....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I could hear myself....
"No Zach, you can not hit Ethan. I know he hit you but he is little and does not understand. You are big and you know better. You can not hit."
Even the tone & inflections in his voice sounded just like it was coming from me! This is something that I have probably said hundreds of times.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
After he came back to school, he got to have lunch with Mr. Harrison (the principal at his school). The school had a raffle a few months back & Josh (along with 3 other kids) won lunch. Two of the other kids were 5th graders and one was a 2nd grader (actually one of Nate's friends). From what I saw and heard, I think Josh was a little intimidated by the 5th graders & didn't say too much, mainly listened...but he thought it was great and enjoyed himself.
When Jim came home, all the boys went out to play soccer and Josh helped Jim fix the wheelbarrow. The other boys went off to do other things so Josh got one-on-one with Jim.
Then all the boys got a real treat just before bedtime. My friend came by with 3 Indiana Jones color/activity books. She found them at the dollar store & thought of the boys. They were all so excited!! There was no time for coloring because it as bedtime but all the boys (excluding Ethan) took the books to bed to look at & find pictures to color in the morning!
Jim is planning on watching the Wings game tonight. As soon as I finish this, I plan on heading to bed. I am so tired after the last two nights. Thankfully Ethan is okay & we do not have to wake him up tonight.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
On a happier note, Jim said that Nate did a fantastic job at soccer practice last night! He is picking up the strategy of the game & figuring things out!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Nate went to his third birthday party for the weekend. He enjoyed himself but I think he learned a hard lesson. He was allowed to drink two cans of Coke (we never give the kids pop) & also a big bag of candy...he came home complaining of a headache. I am pretty sure it was from a sugar overdose & lack of water! Hopefully that is all it is & he will not be sick tomorrow!
I forgot to mention that Nate started his own BLOG. It is part of his summer plan to do some writing. His teacher has described him as a man of "few words" our summer goal is to get him writing a little. Based on his first few posts, he (or we) have our work cut our for us! Nate's blog is at
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Busy Day!
In between all the driving, we did a little work in the yard, some grocery shopping & finished a bit more of the pavers. Jim has about 1/2 the pavers cut that need to be cut...he seems to have a system down & I think all the pieces should be cut tomorrow.
Here is a picture of Ethan kicking back outside.
Josh the Soccer Star!
New approach to poop...
We went on to poop in his pull-ups two times today. I don't think he really understands when he is pooping....which seems strange because he is a sharp little guy & understands so much. We will keep trying....wish us luck but I think General Grevious & the Storm Trooper are doomed to stay up on the refrigerator for quite some time!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Jim took Josh to practice and left me with the other three. We played outside for quite awhile but Ethan was getting tired so I brought everyone inside to get baths started. I bathed Zach and Ethan, then got Ethan ready for bed while Zach used the potty.
I needed to get Ethan in bed so I left Zach & Nate in the living room while I went back to put Ethan down. We have been trying the commando approach a bit with Zach so I left him naked watching a cartoon. Nate was playing on the computer. Zach had just got off the pot so I figured he would be fine for 10-15 minutes. I was rocking Ethan when Nate came back to tell me that Zach had pooped in the living room. Here is where the fun starts! Ethan had been settled down & I was almost ready to lay down before Nate showed up. Nate's burst into the room had changed all that! I was not sure how bad the mess was, so I put Ethan in his crib...figured that was the "safest" place to ensure that he stayed clean! This was not a popular choice & Ethan was screaming as I left the room
When I got to the living room, I found that Zach had pooped on the floor...not too bad...certainly could have been worse on the furniture....but then I see Zach. He is covered with poop! Nate failed to mention that Zach played in the poop, picked it up, EAT SOME & then must have tried to wipe it off his hands...right onto his belly & back! What the heck....why would you eat poop! I am trying to decide if I need to worry about the fact that he just ate or at least put feces in his mouth! I decided since it was his own & it had just LEFT his body that a small taste would probably not cause any major problems! I put Zach into the shower (he HATES the shower..probably not the nicest mom thing to do) & cleaned off all the poop while he cried. In the background I can still hear Ethan screaming also! My blood pressure always goes up when I have several kids crying & I am trying to deal with things like one of them eating feces. Once I got Zach out of the shower, I dried him off, put a diaper on him & sat him on the couch (on TV) & told him to stay there until Jim got home (which I figured would be in just a couple minutes). I went back to try and calm Ethan down.
Jim did come home shortly to find Zach still sitting on the couch & he was filled in on what happened by Nate and Zach, while I was still rocking Ethan and trying to calm myself down as much as Ethan....what a wonderful mom moment!
It was a strange day for me because Jim took the boys to school & then brought Josh home. I only went to pick up Nate. At 11:14 (the time I usually leave to get Josh), I felt like I was forgetting something! It is going to be strange next year to have both older boys in school all day!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Jim spent the evening taking apart our lawn tractor because the steering went out on it. Seems as those some gears may be striped. It certainly seems that if it is not one thing then it is another breaking!! Ugh!
Zach has had a rough couple days. He has skipped too many naps & stayed up too late. Today he is so tired & it certainly makes life a bit more of a challenge for me! I had really wanted to get him in bed early but before I knew it, it was 8:00! Luckily he can sleep in tomorrow because Jim is taking the boys to school...hopefully that will help him catch up on sleep!
Well, I am not sure if this is progress but Zach pooped in the potty today for the first time... Jim went into the pantry this evening to get some tools from a tool box (the pantry is still serving as Zach's bathroom). Jim told me that Zach had left a surprise for me. I figured there was pee in the potty as I had Zach sit on it after dinner (before he went outside). When I went to clean it, there was actually poop. Zach had pooped & not even told anyone. I asked Zach if he pooped in the potty & he said "no". I guess he didn't realize he I am not sure if this counts as progress.....
Tomorrow is Field Day for the boys at school & we are hoping for some nice weather....keep your fingers crossed!
Josh rides the bus!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Enjoying the morning together!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
More Progress
Pee in the real potty!
Monday, May 26, 2008
A hot one today!
The kids spent most of the day outside...even filled up their little pool & the played in the water. They spent a considerable amount of time today catching wasps, can you see me rolling my eyes?? Before we did our addition & siding, we had a problem with wasps/yellow jackets. They had a couple hives that we were continually spraying. Recently they are back. The awning where they built their nests are gone but I think they may be trying to get up behind the new siding. Anyway, yesterday Josh was stung by one of them...he wasn't bothering it at the landed on his land, he brushed it while not realizing what it was & got stung. I had wanted to get a wasp trap anyway, so he went with me to get one after he felt better yesterday....back to today....they (mostly Nate) spent the day catching the wasps & putting them in the trap! Not quite the intent. Surprisingly, Nate did not get stung!
One of Zach's highlights for the weekend was that he peed on a tree for the first time...he was very excited! Now, if I could just get him that excited about all of his potty is not going particularly well!
The big boys are back to school tomorrow but it is really downhill from here. I think Nate has 14 days & Josh has 13 days left. Both have two more field trips, field day, end of the year parties, Kindergarten celebration, the last two days are 1/2 days, so I don't think there will be much learning left!
Picture from yesterday, the boys had great fun playing on the pallets of pavers...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A busy day at our house....
Zach had a great day with his potty training & kept his pants dry all day. He even peed on a tree for the first time today - sorry no pictures!
Nate and Josh got themselves into some trouble today (for lying & not listening). Out by the garage there was a robin nest. The robin laid three eggs. Two of the eggs hatched last week. The nest was actually in a place that was easy to see but safe from most pr editors (probably safe from all 4 legged pr editors but not 2 legged ones!). When I went out to check on the nest today it was gone. I looked on the ground and there was nothing, which I thought was weird. If something (4 legged type) had got the nest, there should have been evidence of the nest left on the ground. I asked Nate if he had touched the nest & his response was "not that I remember". This immediately raised a red flag as it was a very peculiar answer from him. I asked him again with a firm tone & a doubtfully look & he then admitted that he and Josh had moved the nest to "somewhere safe". He and Josh had tried to bring the baby birds worms to eat but obviously the little birds are no longer with us. I can completely see where two little boys would be intrigued by the nest & the thought that they would raise baby birds; however, I CLEARLY told the boys to leave the nest alone & not touch it...then there was the "not that I remember". The boys sat in a time out for awhile & then had to spend some time cleaning the backyard.
Friday, May 23, 2008
When I grow up....
We have a toddler!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Then after Nate got out, he brought home a friend, Shawn. Shawn stayed until almost 7. The boys had a great time. I was very proud of Nate because he included both Zach and Josh for most of the stuff that the bigger boys were doing!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Nate of 1880!
We even packed his lunch in accordance with what was done in the late 1800s. He brought his lunch in a pie tin tied with a bandanna. His lunch included a jelly sandwich, fresh & dried fruit & root beer (a treat for a Boy from 2008!).